Firstly, let me thank our friend Glen for taking these beautiful photos of Obear today at Ned’s wonderful 4th birthday party. Ollie and I joined a few of our friends and a whole bunch of other kids at a fantastic park to run around like crazy people and consume lots of sugar. Ollie got a real kick out of it as he is pretty in awe of bigger kids at the moment and loves to mimic their behaviour. He particularly loved being involved in the treasure hunt, as well as demolishing lots of fruit and just a few cakes and lollies. As for the title, well Ollie has added ‘um’ to his vocabulary. He uses it perfectly, when you ask him something, he goes “um??” until he can tell you the answer. Too too beautiful. He also has so many other words each day that it amazes us. You just have to say “can you say Sophie?” (the lovely little girl across the road that Ollie loves) and he repeats it. He is also starting to connect words in an ap...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.