It never rains but it pours - unfortunately for us, all of Ollie's grandparents have been residing in far flung places since he has been born, so it is not that often that he gets a chance to catch up with them. Well this past fortnight has been a grandparent bonanza with Nanna Carmel and Grandpa Rob back from Canada, Nanna Kaye & Pa visiting from New York and then a day later, Nanna Freddie from the not so glamourous Cloncurry. So as you can imagine it has been a pretty hectic time. Not surprisingly Easter has been the big focus around here, and as you can tell from the top photo, Ollie LOVES chocolate. He has received way too much of it and has eaten a lot more than I anticipated. But thankfully it only happens once a year. Another thing we have consumed a fair few of is hot cross buns, although Ollie has given them his own name - window buns. If you've got any leftover have a look at them, they totally look like a window. I think he might be onto something. Here i...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.