It fills my heart with such joy that Ollie loves books more than pretty much everything else. This has been made pretty clear to me this week when: - he refused to leave daycare because he hadn't finished 'reading' a book - we caught him reading books in bed when he was meant to be going to have a nap - he took great delight in following along at just the right pages to a Toy Story book on CD that Aunty Hayley and Uncle Simon gave him - he continued to try to negotiate for an extra book each night at bedtime. O continues to exert his two year old influence around the place. This week has seen a little bit of tantrum throwing. I really thought we were immune to this since every other two year old we know has been doing it for quite some time. But alas, I was wrong. Perhaps O is just a late bloomer in the tantrum stakes? The finest example of this was when I went along to a morning tea at daycare on a non-Ollie daycare day. Which meant that when the morning tea was over...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.