Miss Evie is officially one month old. Thank goodness. As you can see she is getting chubbier everyday and looks less like an incredibly fragile newborn. I'm not that into teeny tiny newborns, they are too scary small. I like a few chubby rolls on the legs.
The first month has flown by in so many ways, but it does also feel like we have had her around us forever. Or at least that is how it feels when you are getting up every night!! But that continues to be wonderful - if I feed her around 10pm she still wakes around 2amish and then only wants a feed around daybreak, when I am sneaky enough to bring her back to bed with me. Completely civilised. Big snaps for Evie for being such a big superstar and sleeping so well from such an early age. It means I don't have to have a nanna nap everyday just to survive the day, which means that I am able to actually achieve things around the house.
One of the things I have achieved around the house lately is a hell of a lot of co...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.