"Mummy, where was I when you and daddy got married?" "Mummy, why can't Evie talk?" "Mummy, why is the sky blue?" "Mummy, why is Evie called Evie?" "Mummy, why is the moon following us?" "Mummy, why are fish fish?" These are the kind of questions that Ollie is spouting practically constantly throughout the day now. Some are easy to answer. Some are a little more challenging. Some, well I find myself absolutely stumped with them. And then, just when you think you've come up with a great answer that will surely satisfy his thirst for knowledge he just comes out with the same question again. Not phrased differently. THE EXACT SAME QUESTION!!!! Now don't get me wrong. I love feeding his desire to learn. But this is pretty much constant and it is a real brain drain sometimes. This kid just doesn't stop talking (I can't possibly imagine where that came from!). Sometimes I even have to ...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.