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Showing posts from February, 2009

A good night's sleep

We had a fairly stressful day yesterday, venturing to Indooroopilly Shoppingtown on our own. It didn't quite go to plan and everytime I went into a store, Ollie would crack it. Things got better in the evening when Ollie got to have a long Skype chat with his grandma Carmel in Qatar. After he had a feed around 8pm, we put him down in his cot and he went straight off to sleep. I woke up at 3.55 am and freaked out that he hadn't woken up for his 1am-ish feed. I bolted into his room to make sure he was okay - of course he was. He wiggled for a minute and then went straight back to sleep. I kept checking on him for the next half an hour and he eventually woke up for a feed, but I suspect that he might have slept even longer if I hadn't kept going into his room. To make it even better, he went straight back to sleep after his feed and slept through the early morning hours that have recently seen us walking the floor with him. Today he continues to be wonderful. I put him down fo

6 week check up

As it is now 6 weeks since Ollie made his debut, we had our check-ups with the obstretician and paedetrician today. We both received a clean bill of health with Ollie kicking massive goals in the weight gain stakes, as anyone who has seen him recently can attest to. When he was born, Ollie weighed 3.72kg, had a head circumference of 34.5cm and was 51.5cm long. The last time we had him weighed on 5 February he was 4.52kg. Today he weighed a massive 5.5kg - so in the last fortnight he has put on almost 1kg!!! I am starting to think that I am producing chocolate milk vs. normal boob milk as babies are only meant to be putting on around 200-ish grams each week. But no one is complaining - you can't overfeed a breastfed baby and it sure beats worrying about a skinny baby who isn't putting on much weight. In the other stats, Ollie has grown a total of 7cm in length and his head circumference is 4.5cm bigger. That puts Ollie in the 50th percentile for head size and 75th for both le

New to blogging

We are totally new to the idea of blogging but thought that with so many family members and friends spread across the globe its a good way for you to check out how Ollie's doing. We've just passed the six week mark and we're having a great time. Even those moments in the early hours of the morning are fantastic. He's recently started smiling and its great to see him transform into a little boy right before your eyes. Check back here regularly and feel free to send us messages. Much love .... N, T & O