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Showing posts from February, 2010


(Doesn’t he just look like the cover of “Nevermind”?)   This week has been all about pushing buttons for Ollie. If it can be pushed, he is into it.  Powerpoints, TV on/off buttons (particularly annoying if you are watching something important, like the winter Olympics) buttons on clothes and remote controls, especially remote controls. Ollie has been picking up every remote control around and placing it to his ear like a phone.  He then has this gorgeous new jibber jabber language that only comes out when he is pretending to be on the phone.  It almost sounds like he is saying “hello”, then he waits a second and then starts chatting.  Funnily enough it sounds exactly like Poppy Mick who we have spent the last few weekends with.  And like Micky, Ollie has to walk around the room when he is chitty chatting on the phone too. The other kind of buttons Obear has been pushing lately are ours.  He is really into pushing boundaries at the moment and we are starting to see such delig


Gorgeous trick of the moment: “All gone”.  I started this a few weeks ago and it didn’t take long for Ollie to cotton on.  Basically when we finished his food I would put my hands up and say “all gone”.  Now whenever you say it Ollie does the same thing.  Even cuter is when he tips his bowl up and does it.  We’ve been down the coast a bit lately with Nanna Freddy and Poppy Mick.  All of us have been enjoying the restaurants and coffee shops on our doorstep (literally) and this includes Ollie.  He got to enjoy his first (and second) babycino.  As you can see from his chocolate moustache, he totally loved it.  The best bit was the group of Japanese tourists who thought him sitting there with his little legs crossed drinking his cino was worthy of them all taking photos. While at the coast we had Ollie’s aunties Peta and Zoe come and stay along with Ollie’s “only cousin in the world”, Jackson.  Upon realising this fact, Jackson has taken his role very seriously and doted upon Ol


One of Ollie’s birthday presents was a bunch of Duplo blocks.  Since he got so spoilt for toys, I put these away for a rainy day.  Well that day came recently and we have been having an absolute blast with them since then.  I suspect that I am loving playing with them slightly more than Ollie, and I probably shouldn’t admit that I’ve been guilty of shielding my constructions from him occasionally just to avoid him destroying them immediately.  But that really is his favourite game, destruction.  Other games include throwing them back in the box, chewing on the flower shaped one and sticking the small square ones in the Tupperware shape-o. You might notice from the photo above that Ollie’s hair is starting to look a bit wild and crazy at the sides and at the back.  I’ve had a few comments lately about him needing to get a haircut but I’m not ready to crop it off.  I’m hoping that once we get through this awkward mullet stage that it will blossom into a gorgeous mass of hair.  Until


This week there have been way too many things going on to mention them all.  But here is a sample: going to nursery rhymes at the State Library with some other baby friends.  It was an amazing activity to go and do, but despite all the cool stuff going on, Ollie took the greatest delight in just walking up and down the stairs repeatedly wearing our cute new super white volleys patting Gus the cat on the head and saying “Gush” (often accompanied by his war cry that goes “daaaaadaaaaaaadaaaaadaaaa” in a really high pitch – I now know that it means he has found the cat and is moving very quickly toward her thinking that playing with powerpoints is an awesome game and that it is even funnier when mummy gets cranky at him.  Bonus points for going straight back to the same powerpoint and laughing hysterically when I come back over to him all things teddy bear.  He is loving his teddy friends and delights in giving them big kisses and cuddles.  This week I let him take p