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Showing posts from April, 2010


Honestly, there are some times I just find myself completely immersed in watching Obear playing around.  This afternoon I sat back and watched him feeding his milk to all of his toys before going and getting his “That’s not my … bear” book (we are now up to 19 of these books – insane) and opening it up to the panda page and showing it to his toy Panda.  It is just so fascinating to see him interacting with toys and playing make believe already.  Such fun to watch. This week Ollie has mastered the word “Nanna”.  The timing couldn’t be better given it was the last time Ollie saw his Nanna Carmel before she headed off to Montreal for six months.  A very sad goodbye for both of them.  It was also the arrival of Nanna Freddy who came to stay for the long weekend and get her fill of Ollie cuddles for a while.  The bad part now is that Ollie is walking around the house looking for both of his Nannas calling out “Nanna” but they are no where to be found. The long weekend saw us getting


This week has seen Ollie hone two of his recently acquired skills – dancing and climbing.  The dancing has seen him develop from his previous knee bopping to a more advanced Riverdance style.  He gets his hands up above his head and then his little feet go a million miles an hour.  Very Michael Flatley and VERY Happy Feet.  The climbing is also cute but a bit more worrying.  His little car has borne the brunt of it all with him dragging it around the house and popping his little feet up on it, steadying himself and then, voila, standing!  The best bit of all is when he combines the two skills and manages to do a little Riverdance on the car with his hands in the air.  Priceless. Here’s a pic of Bee playing with his hand puppet.  We have a couple now courtesy of Ikea and Ollie thinks it is great to watch me make the puppets talk, dance, kiss and fight each other and eat Duplo blocks.  My favourite bit is when I put the puppets on his hands and he makes his version of my puppet n


Before I post any photos this week I need to preface this blog with details of an “incident” that Ollie had at daycare with the ground.  Basically he had an argument with a piece of Astroturf and well, the Astroturf won.  It was just a bit of a red mark around his nose and eye but as it heals (and my gosh, do babies heal incredibly quickly) it gets much uglier.  Everywhere I’ve been this week we get lots of comments from little old ladies.  Anyway, moving on… This week saw the introduction of bubbles to our bathtub.  I don’t think Ollie was that taken with them at first but once I showed him how to make bubble beards (just like we used to do when we were kids – I’ve got photographic proof) he was a convert.  Even better was when I added my own bubble beard to the mix and we had smooshy bubble kisses.  This is his absolute favourite bath game this week.  The kissing part is extra lovely too because this week saw Ollie figure out how to actually shut his mouth and give nice little


Sorry for not blogging last week.  On Sunday we took a quick dash to the medical centre with a screaming and very unwell Ollie.  Upon arrival he had a 39.9 degree fever which we found out was due to not one, but two infected ears.  He is a much happier boy this week after a good round of antibiotics, lots of paracetamol and even more cuddles from mum. Check out the gorgeous Easter Bunny at Nanna Carmel’s place this afternoon.  Thankfully the real Easter Bunny didn’t bring too much stuff to our place this year.  Just one each for Nick and I and one for Ollie.  Actually Ollie chose his himself at Coles as it was the one he grabbed and wouldn’t let go off – happily cuddling it for the rest of the shopping trip.  I wasn’t really planning for Ollie to have too much of the egg but when the time came to give it to him he just hoed into it, as you can see.  And it is true about kids and sugar,  as he went quite hyper afterwards, tearing around the house like a little tornado.