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Showing posts from November, 2010

Just a little bit more...

Just because these two little munchkins fill my heart with so much joy I thought I'd share a few more of them. I can't get enough of watching these. I may have even been watching them in my office today instead of getting work done. Maybe...

A week in film

We have been going to the library for about a year now. It is an amazing morning out with lots of singing and dancing, squealing and generally just tearing around and having a good time. Our main friend is Ollie's no. 1 girlfriend Ruby and her mum Rachel. They are the only people who get the library as much as we do. Thankfully too as everytime we turn up and we are making our way through the normally quiet foyer in the pram, Ollie insists on calling out "Rubeeeeeeee, Rubeeeeeee". I can't imagine how upset he would be if she wasn't there. This week I thought I'd bust out the camera on my phone and I'm so glad I did as there was some absolute cinematic gold. Those two little tikes know how to turn on the charm. It is quite funny as each time we go there they are always a bit shy at first (despite both talking about how they will give the other one cuddles when they get there - cute). But by the end of it all they have both pushed their way right to t

Party Hats!

This week we have had a few special celebrations. Well actually it kicked off a few weeks ago. Firstly we welcomed an already existing member of our family even closer into our fold. Congratulations to Pa Chris & Nanna Kaye for getting hitched in Boston. As I have told them both, we are thrilled to bits but the best part is that now when I talk about Chris's partner, I don't have to worry that people thinking he is gay! We can't wait to celebrate with you both when you are back in the country in the new year. The next big celebration was Grandpa Peter's 60th birthday (it seems to be a big year for 60ths in our little world). Ollie and I marked the occasion with a lovely park playdate with Grandpa. We baked cupcakes and bought party hats and spent a lovely morning at one of the local parks together. Ollie especially loved playing on the swings with Grandpa, who was more than willing to push him on the swing way higher than I ever allow. Ollie thought it was

Go west (again)

As it has been almost twelve months since Ollie and I went to Cloncurry we decided that it was time to make the big trek again. We had been talking about it for ages and every time Ollie saw a plane he would say "Nanna Poppy big plane cows". Finally the time had come. For Ollie's 11th (and 12th) plane trip he was a superstar as per usual. It was only the two of us but there were no dramas as we had the trusty old ipad to keep us both amused. Possibly the only bit of dodgy behaviour was when Ollie thought it would be fun to drive the packet of butter up the arm of the man on the next who was sleeping. Kind of funny though. Of course Nanna and Poppy were thrilled to see Ollie and check out how big he had grown and what a chatterbox he is. But Ollie was the most thrilled of all when we got back to the house and he saw what they had in their backyard - his very own DIGGER!!!!! The best part of the trip for Ollie (apart from time with the grandparents) was probably gettin


Apologies for the lack of blog last week. I was/am experiencing a few technical issues with the stock standard blogger program I am stuck with at the moment. Or perhaps it was related to Halloween and all the ghoulish and ghosty happenings around here? At our old house, Halloween was kind of a big deal with all the kids dressing up and trick or treating. I was actually a bit sad that we wouldn't be able to join in those festivities this year. That is until I realised that we now live in the Halloween capital. They have a massive celebration around here that goes all day and by mid afternoon there was not a free carpark to be found in the entire suburb. We took Ollie for a walk down to check it all out (well we walked, he rode on his bike, complete with trick or treat bucket on the front). There was no chance of us winning any prizes for best costumes but we put on our devil horns (Ollie) and bolts through the head (me - Nick must have been too cool to wear anything!). There