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Showing posts from August, 2011

Happy birthday!

Miss Evie is officially one month old. Thank goodness. As you can see she is getting chubbier everyday and looks less like an incredibly fragile newborn. I'm not that into teeny tiny newborns, they are too scary small. I like a few chubby rolls on the legs. The first month has flown by in so many ways, but it does also feel like we have had her around us forever. Or at least that is how it feels when you are getting up every night!! But that continues to be wonderful - if I feed her around 10pm she still wakes around 2amish and then only wants a feed around daybreak, when I am sneaky enough to bring her back to bed with me. Completely civilised. Big snaps for Evie for being such a big superstar and sleeping so well from such an early age. It means I don't have to have a nanna nap everyday just to survive the day, which means that I am able to actually achieve things around the house. One of the things I have achieved around the house lately is a hell of a lot of co
A lot can happen in one week. This time last week we had a super cruisy easy baby who slept beautifully and had no dramas. This week we have the same again but in between it has been a whole other story. Basically Evie has reflux. In adult speak this is like heartburn, which as I know personally is not a whole lot of fun. It really reared it's head on Wednesday night (although there were a few signs over the previous day or two) which was Nick's birthday. Happy birthday to Nick - obviously his birthday took a bit of a back seat this year and we haven't even had cake yet but we'll make up for it in years to come. Anyway, I went to put Evie to sleep in her cot that night around 9.30pm but she wouldn't settle. And she kept crying. And crying. She actually cried all night long which is possibly normal for some babies but definitely not this one. At some point we made a decision that one of us needed to get some sleep so we could function with Ollie the next

All about Eve

Long time no blog. But I've got a great excuse for my tardiness. Meet our newest addition, Eve Alice Dower. She was born on Friday 29 July at 7.44am. She weighed in at a hefty 3.710 grams, which is pretty impressive given Ollie was 3.715 grams, making them both 8lb 3 oz. She did manage to pip her brother in the height stakes though being just a few centimetres taller than he was. She is an absolutely wonderful little baby, especially on the first night. We were expecting to have a shocker because that was what we had on Ollie's first night but the little trooper slept for seven hours straight which was incredibly unnerving but extremely welcomed. Unfortunately she hasn't replicated this feat since then but she is still an absolute champion who feeds well, sleeps well and generally doesn't cry very much at all. Except perhaps in this photo, but this was her first bath. The photo at the top is Ollie meeting his little sister for the first time at the hospit