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Showing posts from March, 2012

life as we know it

It seems every time I get around to writing a blog of late it is to do with being away from home. But nothing so exciting this week. Just the bits and pieces that make up our daily life - it may not be edge of your seat interesting but it is just a bit lovely to have such a nice little life. But before I do, one pic that didn't make it last week (technical issue - it seems you all got to see two of one photo and none of this one). Here is Ollie feeding the lorikeets on the balcony at Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob's beach house. It was like our own private wildlife sanctuary! Now back to reality. Evie is super gorgeous and Ollie is super trying. That seems to be the theme of our week. Ol has been pushing my buttons like you would not believe. Yesterday saw him refuse to have a sleep at all which saw me with not one single moment alone to myself the whole time Nick was at work. That probably doesn't sound like a big deal but it is enough to make me need to lock mys

The Budge

I'd been planning to blog early in the week but it just didn't happen due to needy children (not just mine) and lots of screen printing to be done. And it isn't like I didn't have some good material - Ollie going on the super big boy slide at the markets, a delightful bout of gastro and my favourite, Ollie's decision to call us Mum, Dad & Eve (he is only three, I want to be mummy for a bit longer!). But I didn't get around to it and now we are away. We are lucky enough to be having a long weekend at Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob's beautiful new beach house at the coast, that nick has named "the Budge". It is such a lovely spot and we are extremely thankful to be able to use it as now we are down to one wage, this will be the only holidays we can afford!! We came down last night after work, putting the kids to sleep in the car. Evie complied fairly quickly but Ollie appeared to be desperately trying to stay awake the whole way down. He e

Cruising - part 2

Well this cruise holiday seems like a distant memory now but I've still got to tell you about the second part of it so I'd better rack my brain... The trip down to Tasmania was the one we were most excited and apprehensive about. Excited because Nick and I had never been to Tasmania, apprehensive because we had to cross Bass Strait and had heard that it could get pretty rough. As we hit open seas after departing Melbourne it did seem like we could be in for rougher waters - there was a definite increase in the swell - and one of our party even found herself suffering from some seasickness. But that was the worst of it (well, that and being "mooned" by a diving boat) as the swell didn't pick up any after that. I had also prepared myself for not seeing any land for a while but instead there were lots of gorgeous little islands dotted along the way. Although the most amazing landscape unfolded the next day when could see the coast of Tasmania. It is unbelievabl