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Showing posts from November, 2012

In the swim

A real blog escapes me at the moment. I really need to wade through the 2 + gb of photos I took on our holiday and put them up for you all. But instead I find myself printing and curing t-shirts until 11pm each night. Then I crash into bed for some much needed zzzzz's until 5ish when Ol likes to wake up (and lately there seems to be a middle of the night wake up by him too!). Needless to say I am exhausted. So this is all you get for now. But I had to tell you that Eve started swimming this week. I found it a little sad that Nick couldn't be there and poor Eve missed out on all the fanfare that surrounded Ol's first swimming lesson. In fact the only documented evidence of the occasion is this terrible photo taken on my phone. Poor second child. Perhaps it is best that she wasn't being recorded for posterity though as she cried nearly the entire lesson. She clearly wasn't a fan! But we will persevere. Not just because she needs to learn to swim but also be

Holidays, not interrupted

So we are on holidays. And it is just bliss. Just over a week ago we rocked up to our happy place, p-ridge, or peregian to those not in the know. Since then we have eaten, drank, slept, played, scootered and just generally had a great time. So great that we decided to stay for a few days more. Ah, holidays! So enjoy a few visual snippets from the last week...