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Showing posts from October, 2013

Still here

It's been a while again. But I find myself at the hairdresser watching this sweet big boy getting his haircut and I just wanted to share this pic of him. Doesn't he look like such a grown up boy? I can hardly fathom that he will be starting school in three months. We've been easing into summer a bit with lots if hot days, swims in our pool and trips to the local pool. Ol's swimming is coming along so well and his confidence is through the roof. We had a bunch of his mates over for a swim today and they were all dive bombing and fetching things from the bottom of the pool. Real big boy stuff. Just in case you were wondering how my adventure to Indonesia went the other week, all went well and I am home where I belong with my loves. The shorts I went over there to produce turned out fabulous and the response to them has been extremely positive. Perhaps because of this or maybe because he was in charge of packing orders while I was away, Nick has really come onboard with Mi