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Showing posts from December, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Look at these giant children! They have grown so much since they went to see the exact same Santa last year. Thankfully there were no tears this year.  Ollie had us on edge with a weird forced and fake smile for a bit and Eve complicated things by pulling her dress up to show off her red undies.  But we got there in the end. The kids are both super excited about Christmas this year.  We have had the fairies living under the Christmas tree this month, leaving little notes and presents just like last year.  I have heard a rumour that in the morning they might be leaving new pyjamas and a special Christmas movie to watch tomorrow night. We also did our usual trip to the Kmart wishing tree with presents for a boy and a girl the same age as these two.  Naturally they are both still struggling with the concept that the gifts are for someone they have never met but hopefully in time they will understand what a lovely thing they are doing. We are lucky enough to be having a number o