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Showing posts from February, 2014

In the quiet times...

You might have thought that with Ol turning five and starting school it was all about him lately. Well you might have been a teeny bit right.  But you know what?  Since Ol started school there has been a fair bit more quiet around here than usual.  And do you know what I've learned… I've learned that this girl can count to ten.  She knows all the words to "Baa baa black sheep".  She knows lots of colours.  I've never sat down and taught her these things the way that I did with Ol.  I don't have the time.  But it's great to see that by osmosis (and thanks to her daycare mum!) a lot of things are seeping in. She is doing a lot of big girl things lately.  She is learning how to ride a bike.  She has swimming lessons by herself now while I sit by the side and sip coffee.  She wears big girl undies instead of nappies, but only if they've got Disney princesses on them, preferably Snow White, followed closely by Cinderella. We've al

Big boy school.

This big boy now goes to school.  How crazy does that sound?? You won't be surprised to hear that he has been looking forward to this for a long time.  Lots of new things to learn, getting to hang out with his best mates at lunchtime and being away from me for five days a week, what could be better! Probably because we had been gearing up for this for so long, the day itself was a walk in the park.  Ol woke up at a ridiculously early hour and Nick and I had the joy of watching him on the video monitor singing over and over again "its my first day of school today"! The excitement continued to grow we got him into his new uniform and his shiny new giant shoes (he is a size 1 now, that is madness). With his lunch packed into his bag (with a laminated photo of all of us to keep him company) we headed up to his school where we saw about a hundred little Ollie clones, all looking so tiny in their new school clothes. Ol is lucky enough to have his two best