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Showing posts from March, 2014

A little slice of life

You might be forgiven for thinking that nothing has been going on around here.  But you would be wrong.  We've been having lots of fun and games, and thankfully the camera has been a pretty regular companion so you guys can have a peek into life lately too. This little guy is enjoying school.  It seems to have switched on his brain even more, and even though they are only learning how to write individual numbers and letters he is coming home and reading the little books I'm getting him from the library and randomly telling me things like "four fives are twenty". Clever clogs. This girl is cracking me up on a daily basis.  She is chatty and loud like her brother (give me strength) and she thinks dressing up and pushing her trolley filled with little toys around is just the greatest thing. She misses her brother when he is at school and I often find her having a little cry about "my big boy" and asking if we can go and get him when it isn't ev