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Showing posts from May, 2014

These guys...

How cute are these kids? This was them this morning rocking out a bit of double Mini Mayhem shirts (and triple Mini Mayhem necklaces). Ol might look too cool to smile but he was actually shattered. A long week at school coupled with waking up at silly o'clock does not make for a happy camper. All is much better now though as they sit on the couch together watching a movie and eating twisties. Much more to tell soon (like the battle of the thumb sucking Eve), but I just thought you might all like a glimpse of Saturday morning around here.

Taking over the world

Global domination is tiring work.  The Mini Mayhem trajectory has taken a massive leap this year with the introduction of our wholesale agent who is bringing in a lot more stockists.  We've also just had our winter production arrive which includes some great new long sleeved printed shirts, cool dinosaur hats and just to keep me busy, some great little necklaces for the boys too.  Ol has been the perfect little fit model and I think he knows he looks pretty cute in all his new gear. Speaking of keeping me busy, I've also picked up a regular gig teaching a kid's art class at one of the local stores.  The response has been really good and we will be adding a second class next month along with the possibility of another one shortly after that.  It is certainly helping with the extra $$ and it is great (and REALLY exhausting) to be introducing these young little minds to some great art. Ol is doing really well at school.  His reading is just amazing and he now can re

Hayley & Simon's wedding

We had the joy of heading down to Byron Bay on the weekend to share in the amazing wedding celebrations for Hayley and Simon. To say it was a great event would be an understatement.  Every little detail was just as Hayley had imagined it and we all had a blast. Except Ollie.  Ol got sick between the ceremony and the reception (and threw up all over my dress).  Thank goodness our dear friend Kate was with us and earned major awesome friend points by taking him back to where we were staying and looking after him for us.  There are no words for how grateful we were. Our gift to Hayley and Simon was to put together a little film of the day.  I have watched this about 100 times while editing and I am still tearing up.  I hope you enjoy it too.