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Showing posts from June, 2014

A battle of wills

Don't let this sweet little noodle slurpy face fool you.  Those baby blue eyes might be enough to trick you guys but I know better.  This is the face of one of the most sophisticated guerrilla warfare specialists.  Her area of expertise?  Thumb sucking and how to drive her mother bonkers. You see Eve has been partial to a bit of thumb sucking for a long time now.  It was fabulous when she was little and could settle herself back to sleep.  It has also been a great indicator of when she is tired.  Feeling a little sleepy?  Pop, thumb goes straight in the mouth. The thumb sucking has even had an enabler.  Enter "Wooby.  I originally bought Wooby one after I noticed a very small Eve was rubbing the satin edging on her blanket to get to sleep.  As summer was approaching I really didn't want her to have to sleep with a winter blanket.  It seemed like a good idea at the time.  Famous last words. Wooby one soon gave way to Wooby two which I picked up as a bac