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Showing posts from August, 2014

Eve's Snow White birthday party.

Oops, in all the birthday excitement (read exhaustion!) I didn't get around to showing you the pics from Eve's third birthday party.  The theme?  It had to be Snow White for this little princess. As some of you know, we take parties pretty seriously around here (maximum effort, minimum cash) and this was no exception.  I really wanted to avoid using any licensed party stuffs so as usual there was lots of crafty work to be done.  For party activities we decorated apple shaped cookies and we had an extremely tough to crack homemade apple piƱata.  But the real fun was in the simplest of simple ideas - a good old fashioned table fort.  Chuck a few lanterns on top and a sign and you've got yourself "Grumpy's Mine" - the perfect place to hide out and scarf party food. We also played "Pass the poison apple" instead of pass the parcel but it was a bit of a dud with our crowd who were either too shy or too cool to faint dramatically if they were the o