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Showing posts from October, 2014

A new way of life.

We are still here.  Just living a bit differently these days. What has brought about this change?  We are hoping to buy our own home in the not too distant future.  Which has brought about the need for paid employment for me.  I was lucky enough to land the first job I applied for, doing marketing, writing blogs and running social media for an architecture firm.  A bit of a crazy career change from being a lawyer, but with everything I've been doing for Mini Mayhem over the past few years I've picked up a few skills.   So now I find myself working three days each week.  It is certainly more of a juggle than before.  Thankfully Nanna Carmel has been a great help and is looking after Eve one of the days each week, including taking Ol to and from school.  I know Ol gets a real kick out taking his nanna along.   I am supremely grateful that Nick is such a super dooper husband.  If he weren't so helpful around the house with things like packing lunches, washi