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Showing posts from November, 2014


We truly love Halloween around here. Each year it gets bigger and better and this year it was spread over an entire weekend.  Friday during the day we got to watch the ferris wheel and all the other rides getting set up at the park at the end of the street.  That night we headed down with a bunch of our closest friends for a movie in the park.  The kids had their eyes glued to the screen but I couldn't stop looking at them and their pals, feeling so thankful that we have such a wonderful little existence here.  It might have been a spooky occasion but I had nothing but love in my heart. The next night was the real deal.  Proper costumes were busted out - Vampire for Ollie and Pocahontas for Eve.  All of my efforts at making Eve a costume were undone once I added the final detail - black hairspray for both of them.  Ol managed to keep his reasonably together.  But within seconds it seems that Eve had rubbed her little black head all over the place, filthy little black hand