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Showing posts from December, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

School's out for summer! Our big boy has finished his first year of school and done a fantastic job. It seems that he saves all of his best behaviour for his teachers who think he is the sweetest of peas. Which he is. Most of the time. We spent the first day of the school holidays lining up to see Santa. Well an hour anyway. Our two trotted out the cutest of smiles right on cue and were promptly rewarded with sushi for lunch.  The next day of the holidays was spent at the pool with our bestest of friends followed by fish and chips at the beach. These kids have the loveliest little existence and on great days like this one I think they actually know it. Since I've got another week of work before I kick off my holidays, Ollie has headed down to the Gold Coast with Nanna Carmel & Grandpa Rob for a few days. Nick and I are always a bit sad to see him go and Eve is definitely a sooky pants when her big brother isn't there at bedtime. But it seems that Ol is hardly missing us