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Showing posts from March, 2015

A new house for us!

We have a new house!! We've been looking for a new place to call home for a good six months now.  Buy, rent, buy, rent.  We even put an offer in on a place that we could see a lot of potential in.  Unfortunately it didn't work out.  Cue sobbing, wailing, thrashing about in general.  Just kidding, Nick handled it really well!! But after lots of flipping and flopping we finally have moved into our new home.  Amazingly it is the place that we put an offer in on but it is only ours as a rental.  Such a great chance to find out if it really is a good home for a family like ours. The move itself was WAY harder than any house move we've ever had before.  Long gone are the days when Nick and I would chuck our couch and dining table into a trailer and throw a few blue and red striped bags filled with clothing into the back of our ancient mazda hatchback.  This was serious moving - two adults, two kids, two businesses, oh and a cat.   But even with the movi