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Showing posts from July, 2019

Eve is 8: the birthday blog!

My youngest child is eight!! How can that be? Nearly three thousand days on this planet?? As I come to grips with this let me share with you some of the things I want to always remember about her at this age: -         She has a crush.  She wouldn’t tell me for ages who it was but Ollie knew and was sworn to secrecy which is super cute.  Plus I knew pretty early on anyway thanks to her writing his name all around the place with love hearts around it. -          She makes this makes this weird cat noise – like a hissing meow.   It’s sometimes accompanied by a strange claw like gesture and usually when she doesn’t like something that you’ve done.   Everyone who has ever heard it agrees that it’s REALLY annoying.   Conversely she has a high pitched squeak like a guinea pig when she is happy about something.   Basically she is just a small animal.   -         She’s pretty brainy.  At the end of grade one she was proud to get five A’s on her report card.  The other night