(Doesn’t he just look like the cover of “Nevermind”?) This week has been all about pushing buttons for Ollie. If it can be pushed, he is into it. Powerpoints, TV on/off buttons (particularly annoying if you are watching something important, like the winter Olympics) buttons on clothes and remote controls, especially remote controls. Ollie has been picking up every remote control around and placing it to his ear like a phone. He then has this gorgeous new jibber jabber language that only comes out when he is pretending to be on the phone. It almost sounds like he is saying “hello”, then he waits a second and then starts chatting. Funnily enough it sounds exactly like Poppy Mick who we have spent the last few weekends with. And like Micky, Ollie has to walk around the room when he is chitty chatting on the phone too. The other kind of buttons Obear has been pushing lately are ours. He is really into pushing boundaries at the moment and...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.