This week there have been way too many things going on to mention them all. But here is a sample:
- going to nursery rhymes at the State Library with some other baby friends. It was an amazing activity to go and do, but despite all the cool stuff going on, Ollie took the greatest delight in just walking up and down the stairs repeatedly
- wearing our cute new super white volleys
- patting Gus the cat on the head and saying “Gush” (often accompanied by his war cry that goes “daaaaadaaaaaaadaaaaadaaaa” in a really high pitch – I now know that it means he has found the cat and is moving very quickly toward her
- thinking that playing with powerpoints is an awesome game and that it is even funnier when mummy gets cranky at him. Bonus points for going straight back to the same powerpoint and laughing hysterically when I come back over to him
- all things teddy bear. He is loving his teddy friends and delights in giving them big kisses and cuddles. This week I let him take panda for one of his daytime naps. It was the cutest thing to see him snuggled up to him but I won’t be letting him happen again too soon as he had him smooshed right up to his mouth and nose and totally freaked me out.
- crossing his gorgeous little (dirty) feet when he is sitting in his highchair
- saying “car”
- taking his little bike for a ride along the river. He was thrilled to see the dogs going for walks and when he made his high pitched “woof woof” sound he had the dog owners cracking up with laughter (I told them it is because we only live near little yappy dogs so that is what he thinks they sound like)
- and finally, waving at everyone. When I pick him up from daycare he starts waving straight away to everyone else. If Nanna Carmel has him and I come home, he starts waving at her. Even the cars driving past get the odd wave. Very cute.
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