It has been a week of new purchases in the Dower household.
As Ollie is nearing the six month mark when he will start eating solids (or mushies as they should really be called), we thought it was time to get ourselves a highchair. You'd be surprised at how many different kinds you can get and after lots of research I worked out exactly which one I wanted. So of course, that was the one that had just been discontinued!! Anyway, we bought a similar one and it got delivered to our house ... in pieces.
I couldn't wait for Nick to come home to put it together so I gave it a crack and after managing to find a screwdriver (the most challenging part of the process) I successfully negotiated the instructions until the object before me resembled the one on the box. Ollie and I both held our breath the first time I put him in it, but it held his weight (not an insignificant amount).
Ollie seems to like his highchair for reasonable periods of time and I have found it a godsend as it enables me to get things done in the kitchen when he is awake. He happily sits there banging away at his toys and hopefully by familiarising him with the chair, it won't be such a big deal when he moves onto food.
Another purchase of late is his activity centre. This is a circular play unit that allows him to stand up so it is good for his noggin. It has a little car that he pushes around the track as well as other objects to push, pull, chew, bash etc. He especially loves this toy as at the moment, nothing is better than standing. Anytime you let him stand up he goes and gets all vocal. It is as if he is saying "LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT WHAT A BIG BOY I AM!!!".
Speaking of, well Ollie speaking, he has another new noise which can only be described as a really high pitched squeal. It is actually quite an awful noise and his favourite time to knock it out is if I am sitting down in a cafe or similar. Everyone in the place turns around to look and see what I am doing to this poor child. Someone even said they thought the toy he was playing was making all that noise.
Lastly, I mentioned a few weeks ago that he had made some headway into rolling. There hasn't been much progress on this other than the occasional roll onto his side but no sign of a full 180 roll. Well yesterday he impressed me by rolling onto his back from laying on his tummy. I thought I'd check to see whether it was a fluke or not but he managed to do it another 5 or so times. Not sure whether this is because he likes rolling now or perhaps more that he hates laying on his stomach and will do anything to get out of it.
Oops, forgot to mention the last photo I have posted. We had baby group at our place today and even with two babies and mummies missing, it was a LOT of babies in one lounge room. I took a pic so you can see how much bigger the babies have all gotten since the photo I posted back in March/April. In keeping with that original photo Ollie had yet again managed to spew all down his shirt just before the photo was taken!
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