Finally the time has come for our Bali trip for Rach & Christian’s wedding. We have been looking forward to this for so long but I’ve also been pretty apprehensive about Ollie B’s first overseas trip. Thankfully, the trip over here went off without a hitch (except for the tears when Panda had to go through the x-ray machine at Customs). Ever the seasoned flyer, Ollie was asleep within a few minutes of take-off (just like his Mummy). He got through the rest of the six hour flight by indulging his love of Yo Gabba Gabba and Sesame Street on the laptop and Nick and I celebrated our triumph over a glass or two of wine. The real joy started when we hit the arrivals hall to the dodgy new immigration process (ie they now have computers!). This took about an hour and a half, which was less than the five hour delays I had been hearing about. Ollie kept himself amused by cuddling and kissing the six year old girl he had met on the plane. He is ...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.