Poor little Evie Peevey is sick. We have all been passing this cold around for a while but Eve seems to have inherited all of our colds put together. I guess we are lucky that we have been able to get her to almost 10 months (eek!) without a good cold but this one is certainly making up for lost time. She just looks so miserable with her tired little eyes, super snuffly runny nose and yucky little cough. When the cold started she thought it was quite a novelty to take panadol and have her nose wiped (or worse, suctioned!) but by now she has clearly had enough and is making it as difficult as she can for me. Something else she is making difficult is sleep. Her runny/snuffly nose keeps waking her up which in turn wakes us all up. I've even been breaking my number one rule about getting babies out of their cots in the middle of the night. At least three nights in the last week have seen her sleeping on me in the nursing chair as well. Two of...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.