Poor little Evie Peevey is sick. We have all been passing this cold around for a while but Eve seems to have inherited all of our colds put together. I guess we are lucky that we have been able to get her to almost 10 months (eek!) without a good cold but this one is certainly making up for lost time.
She just looks so miserable with her tired little eyes, super snuffly runny nose and yucky little cough. When the cold started she thought it was quite a novelty to take panadol and have her nose wiped (or worse, suctioned!) but by now she has clearly had enough and is making it as difficult as she can for me.
Something else she is making difficult is sleep. Her runny/snuffly nose keeps waking her up which in turn wakes us all up. I've even been breaking my number one rule about getting babies out of their cots in the middle of the night. At least three nights in the last week have seen her sleeping on me in the nursing chair as well. Two of those nights also saw her and I sleeping on the floor together beside her cot. I'm not sure why, it just seemed like a good idea in that sleep deprived haze. And it kept her quiet.
The worst night was probably the one where I was in and out of the bed, floor and nursing chair AS WELL as into Ollie's room twice. That one was appalling and it had to be the night before I had a market to do. I spent the whole day in a slow motion zombie like state, just wishing each minute would pass so I could get home.
But enough whinging. I'd like to say she is on the mend but she seems sick again today. Hopefully this is the tail end of it and she will be back to her bright bubbly self again soon.
In Ol news, he thinks everything is a race. He just loves to run absolutely everywhere which has seen him take more than his fair share of tumbles, including a cracker into a brick wall at playgroup the other day but surprisingly no damage. But these don't slow him down. He is still pushing past me declaring that he wants to be the leader or demanding that I call out "ready set go". In fact that is the only way I can get him down to the bathroom to clean his teeth each morning!
But not everything is a race apparently. Ol is an incredibly slow eater at dinnertime. Most nights see me directing him to eat every single mouthful of food at the same time as I am feeding Eve. But I thought I might stir his competitive instincts and point out that Evie had nearly finished her dinner and was going to win. Well, of course Ol looks straight at me and with his most mummy/teacher voice said "mummy, this isn't a race". Hmm, totally foiled.
Also in the eating stakes, Miss Evie has taken a quantum leap in what she will eat lately. She and Ol are basically eating the same meals which makes my life easier. And sometimes the same quantities!! She is also taking great delight in feeding herself things like vegemite sandwiches and arrowroot biscuits. The downside to this is she makes an almighty incredible mess. I feel like I am constantly picking up half-chewed food from the floor. Such a glamorous life I lead.
Evie also seems to be developing her crawling style a little. I had thought perhaps that was just how it was going to be but in the last week she has really started to get up onto her knees and rock around. Watch this space for an update on fully fledged official crawling. And her other new trick is shaking her head "no". I actually think she might be dancing more than saying no but it makes for a lot of fun asking her silly questions for her to say no to!
Ollie has been a bit darn cute lately too. Well when he isn't being a terror. He has said some hilarious things that I just have to write down:
"Does electricity have flying orcas in it that make it work?. Are they on land that keeps them in the roof?"
"Where does daddy work? We are going to see daddy's building on the weekend. Actually it isn't daddy's building it is everyone's building. Because you didn't build it mummy. Because you aren't the greatest builder. And Evie isn't the greatest builder. But she can be when she is grown up".
It is more like a monologue than a conversation with O at the moment!!!
And my loveliest Ol moment? Early the other morning (about 5ish) I heard quiet talking coming from his room so I went in and saw him sitting on his bed making shadow puppets on the wall from the light of his clock. My first instinct was to tell him to lay down and go back to sleep but I couldn't escape the loveliness of it all. So I plonked down beside him and showed him how to make some different animals and we had a great time making them together.
Ol, Evie and I made an impromptu visit to see Tim at the State Library the other day and as always it was awesome. Ol was practically jumping out of his skin with excitement and even more so when he got to build blocks with Tim for a while before the rhymes. He didn't shut up (not that he ever does) - telling him about daddy's big building and how it doesn't have lifts and how Ollie is really strong and has really big muscles (cue muscle flexing). It was super adorable to watch.
When the rhymes started Ol was the first one on the dancefloor rocking it out. Which is weird because at the little library he won't dance, instead sitting on the ground in the midst of many dancing tots. But rock out he did. Although we didn't make it to the end as Ol declared to Tim, who then declared to everyone else that Ollie had had enough of the songs. Tim did suggest that they just all pack up and go and have a coffee but in the end I thought it probably easier if I just took my two to have a picnic lunch on the grass. A very successful outing with just the three of us. Especially since they both fell asleep in the car on the way home.
For those of you who are able to access video, here is a cute one of Ol busting a few moves. Enjoy.
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