Things got a bit spooky around here with the local halloween festival on the weekend. We had really been looking forward to it for quite a while but unfortunately it looked like it would be a fairly soggy event. But as they say, the show must go on. We had Pa and Nanna Kaye staying here at the time so they got to witness the cuteness that was not only our two little spooksters but a bunch of Ollie's friends who also joined us. Ol, at his request, was a robot. We may have been calling him a "gay robot" (think c3po) behind his back thanks to the particularly shiny stretchy material I made his costume out of along with the presence of glow sticks. But he certainly didn't seem to mind and all the time spent cursing the annoying material while at the sewing machine was completely worth it. Little Miss Eve's costume on the other hand took about an hour to make and cost around about $3.50 for a little bit of white material. The rest I had lying around inc...
We used to be two, then we became three. Now we find ourselves with four. Hold onto your hats because this is going to be a wild ride.