Alright, big news first. And it is VERY big news. We have steps!!!! I say steps rather than walking because she still isn't really walking anywhere. Well unless she has her pram, and then she is running everywhere. But unaided she has now officially taken four whole steps. She took one step Saturday and we were pretty chuffed with that. But by Sunday afternoon she was able to take four in a row. And who was home to witness it? Just me. The boys had gone to the movies to see Madagascar 3 (which was an awesome time for both of them). But thankfully Eve was willing to repeat her new party trick when they came home. She then promptly forgot it and hasn't repeated it since!!
This pic of Miss Eve looking all girly reminded me of a photo of Ol at a similar age. So I dug it out and here it is. Looking at them side by side it doesn't really look that much alike but still, there is something. And true to life Ollie has a big cheesy grin on his face while Eve is busting out a bit of a cranky scowl!!
Ol continues to do well at swimming but he is so close to going up to the next level that it is getting frustrating. For him mainly. One of the other kids in his class went up recently and Ol was a little crushed. Then the next week he totally rocked it out, swimming five metres by himself on a number of occasions which is the milestone he needs to go up. But unfortunately there didn't seem to be any assessors around to notice it. Sigh. He just couldn't understand why he then didn't get to go up. Hopefully it isn't too far off now, just so he doesn't get too crushed. But importantly he now has the ability and the confidence to dog paddle for five metres. I'm pretty happy for him.
It was the big footy weekend last weekend but as our team bombed out the other week it didn't have the same kind of significance that it has had in recent years. In fact we didn't really have most of the game on. But it didn't stop Eve from getting into the spirit of things. She decided that was the day she was going to fall in love with the Sherrin. She kept giving it big cuddles and giggles and was even spotted pushing it around in her pram!
These two are sharing more and more things now that Eve moves from being a little baby to a little girl. That was especially evident recently when she started having lunch at the table with Ol. Her little feet don't touch the ground but it doesn't seem to cause her any hassle and she quite happily sits there just like her big brother.
Aunty Alicia recently took a trip to Greece and France and yesterday a small parcel of goodies arrived for the kiddos including these two hilarious masks from France. They both just loved wearing them and we even had them on when we went to pick Nick up from the train. He did a little double take when he saw the little French piggy and giraffe in the back seat.
Eve's handbag continues to feature in her adventures. I've started paying attention to what is in it now each day. Some of her treasures include an odd sock, some leftover biscuit and plastic shapes. But the funniest was this morning when I saw her sneakily trying to stuff Ollie's latest favourite treasure (a slinky which he bought with his own money) in without him seeing.
Speaking of Eve's girliness, you might have noticed that she has turned into a real little girl lately. She just looks like a girl and not a baby. And of course she is acting very much like one. Her crown for example. She has been wearing it a lot. And shoes - she will bring her shoes up to me and try to put them on her own feet. Once I put them on for her she will happily toddle off, pushing her pram. She totally cracks me up.
Things have been a little musical around here lately. Our dear friends Cosmo and Kate had a sleepover on the weekend and in true Kate style she brought some lovely gifts for the kiddos. One of which was a box of musical toys which Ol and Eve just couldn't get enough of. So to further foster their fledgling musical talent I set up a concert stage in the hallway using some fabric and a tension rod. Ol just cannot get enough of it and has been making up awesome songs while bashing out the tambourine and shaking his little hips. His skills are so good that I'm thinking we might have to buy a bus with flowers painted on it and become one of those freaky musical families touring around the country. Or maybe not.
And the name of this blog? Well recently Nanna Carmel very kindly gave Ollie some "where's Wally" books that she had at her house. You would think that these might be a little grown up for a three year old but apparently you'd be wrong. Ol has taken a real shine to them and is often found laying in bed with his lamp on poring over the pages to find Wally and his colleagues. The silence is occasionally punctuated with a "found him"! He and I have also found ourselves searching together before bedtime which is just a little bit lovely for us both. I remember loving these books when I was a kid (as did Nick) and it is just so great that he has a found a love for them too.
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