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Showing posts from August, 2010

Lay by the bay, I just may.

With the big move happening in less than two weeks it is action central around here.  Today was a BIG day for us as it was the first time we got to go and check out our new house from the inside.  We had been pouring over photos for the last few months but the chance to get inside was too much to pass up.  Even Pandy made the trip and the four of us toured every square metre of the joint we are going to call home for the next few years. Here is Ollie checking out his breakdancing in the living area, although his favourite part of the house was probably the ceiling fan in his new room which elicited a “wow”! It is an understatement to say we are excited.  We can’t wait for our life by the water and thought we’d check out a bit of what was on offer.  We loved the nearby rockpool and thought we’d have a spot of fish and chips for lunch while we were there.  Ollie loved the fish but in keeping with his condiment obsession he would dunk his fish in tartare a few times before actually e

Stuck on you

A number of years ago, Nick and I had a garage sale.  We didn’t bother to put an ad in the paper, we had nothing of any value to sell, one of our dear friends came over in tears and declared that their marriage was over (your identity is safe with us) and we only made a total of $35.  It wasn’t really a success.  But despite this, we thought it might be worth doing before the big move.  We went to the trouble of putting an ad in the paper and making street signs, I made price stickers and even put together an inventory of items.  Basically it was a million years away from our first garage sale. Instead of getting a good night’s sleep, Ollie decided to keep us up throughout the night and I spent the last few hours before daybreak sitting in his room with him sleeping on me (damn these pesky teeth).  Once we kicked the sale off it was absolute chaos with strangers standing around as we set stuff up well before the kick off time.  Thankfully one of my dear friends across the road offe

Who’s a big boy then?

At our local supermarket there are three carparks right next to the door that are designated “baby parking”.  Ollie and I have been using these parks for the last 18 months and loving the convenience of scooting in and out of the store.  But today I suddenly wondered, “Is Ollie really a baby anymore"?”. As much as it will pain me to park further away from the door in future, it is such a joy to me to see our beautiful little baby boy growing up into, well, a boy.  He seems to have hit a bit of a vertical growth spurt recently which has made him a bit taller and skinnier which makes him seems like a lot more of a boy. His mannerisms become more like a little boy all the time too.  Today we really took a big step and took the lid off his sippy cup so he could drink out of it like a big boy.  It was a risky move and not without any mess but he seemed so impressed with himself that it was worth it. Here he is feeding himself and being super dooper cute.  Yes, that is tomato s