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Maybe tomorrow?

It has been a very busy week around here. Thursday saw us spending the afternoon with Nanna Carmel and Aunty Emma which Ollie always gets such a kick out of. My favourite part of the afternoon was watching Ollie shaking his hands at the dogs and saying "shush" to them, just like Nanna!

Friday was Ollie's first date. Well play date at least. B has a girl friend at daycare called Maddy and apparently they love each other. She calls him "Ollie-ba" and tells other people that he is hers. Even the daycare teachers are joking that they will have to be invited to the wedding since they were the ones who introduced them. Not wanting to stand in the way of true love, I organised a playdate with Maddy's mum (who has recently moved to the area too) at the little library. It was quite funny seeing the difference in Ollie's behaviour when she was there. For some strange reason Ollie is a bit shy at the little library (as opposed to the boy who jumped out of the car at daycare the other week and declared to a full playground - with his arms outstretched - "ta daaaaaaaa" - insert round of applause). Anyway, having Maddy there certainly brought the little show off back out of B. He even joined in with a little bit of the dancing for a change. We finished off our playdate with coffee and babycinos where we soon realised that while they may love each other, they are still not willing to share their babycinos or their crayons.

Saturday was Miss Audrey's 3rd birthday party. The theme was dinosaurs so not surprisingly Ollie was very much looking forward to it. Alan dressed up as a giant dinosaur, there was a dino treasure hunt, helium balloons, pass the parcel, trampoline and swings and a cake so all of the boxes were ticked for a super fun afternoon. On top of all this he left with a massive haul of dino related booty including a new dino DVD, lots of little dinos to add to his collection and more lollies than he has ever seen before. We were so knackered from having such a great afternoon that the only dinner I could face preparing was a trip to McDonalds on the way home. Don't worry, I insist that they replace his fries and drink with apple and water and he still thinks it is the bee's knees. I think that between the birthday party and a trip to McDonalds, this probably rated pretty high on Ollie's ultimate day out.

As for Sunday, that was just a day for bad behaviour. B has been a bit trying at the moment. I suspect he is just wanting me to question my decision to become a stay at home mum (which starts a week tomorrow!!!!) and whether I am going to go out of my mind. Day sleeps have become a constant battle (some night ones are not a whole lot better) and there have been some incidences of pretty poor behaviour during the waking hours. A particularly delightful example of this was when he decided to turf his delicious sandwich completely across to the other side of the dining table. Of course he swiftly found himself in the naughty corner but I found myself struggling to maintain my hard-arsed disciplinarian mummy facade when he looked up at me and said "you're not impressed mummy?". Luckily Nick was out of Ollie's line of sight, otherwise he would have seen him laughing his butt off. Too too funny, but where does he get this stuff from??

My least favourite moment of the week? This afternoon when I got a phone call from daycare (sharp inhalation of breath!) to say that Ollie had an accident. Luckily it turned out not to be too bad but still it looks pretty awful. Basically he was hooning around on a scooter when he took a tumble. Instead of landing on any of the soft and squishy type objects they have there, he managed to connect his cheekbone/eye area with a great big wooden plank they use for balancing. He wasn't too upset about it thankfully and when Nick and I got there about 40 minutes later he was only upset because he couldn't finish off his colouring in. It certainly is a pretty impressive egg on his face and I imagine there will be a whole rainbow of pretty colours there in the morning. Poor little bugger.

And to make matters worse? It wasn't his only accident today. Turns out that he had gotten involved in a little altercation earlier in the day when another kid was picking on his little girlfriend (as mentioned above). Ollie apparently told the kid "that's not nice" before the little delight pushed Ollie over, causing him to fall down a step on the play fort and land on his chest. No harm done but it is nice to see that Ollie has a strong sense of justice and likes to defend others. Hopefully tomorrow he can get through a full day at daycare without any incident reports needing to be filled out.

As for the title of this blog, this seems to be Ollie's saying of the week. It can be used for all kinds of things. A few examples include:
- maybe tomorrow I'll be a good boy
- maybe tomorrow I'll go to daycare
- maybe tomorrow we'll go to the whale park
- maybe tomorrow we'll go to Seaworld
- maybe tomorrow I'll be a duck
I can only presume that I must talk about tomorrow often enough for it to make his way into his vocabulary. At least he doesn't seem to grasp the concept of tomorrow in terms of time yet so I can probably get away with flexible promises for a little bit longer. Except for becoming a duck. I don't think any approach to time will make that one happen.


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