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A very busy week

It has been a crazy busy week around here. The weekend kicked off a day early with Nick taking Friday off so we could head back to Seaworld again before our return passes ran out. I was contemplating doing this on my own but am SO thankful that I had Nick there to help out. Turns out trekking around theme parks with a toddler while eight months pregnant isn't the easiest thing to do. Even if for no other reason than they don't let pregnant people go on the kiddy rides. Who knew? I mean the adult rollercoaster I can understand but the merry go round? Perhaps they were worried I might be too heavy??

As well as the kiddy rides we checked out the dolphin show (or the whale show to Ollie, he keeps getting dolphins and whales confused), the sharks and of course our favourites, the penguins.

Saturday morning saw us wander down to the local farmer's markets to pick up some goodies. Not of the fresh produce variety but of the seriously delicious sweeties kind. We have discovered this place that sells the most ginormous lamingtons you have ever seen. They are easily four times bigger than the average lammo and at least that many times more delicious. Thankfully only one of them will see us through morning tea between the three of us. We also picked up some more of this insanely, amazingly good handmade rocky road that Nick discovered. I wish he hadn't really, it is just that good. The closest we came to non-sweet purchases was sitting down to have some coffees and soak up the glorious day that it was. Ollie took this opportunity to use our coffee stirrers as magic wands and to turn us into a variety of different animals. They had a magician come to daycare and put on a show the other week and it seems that this made a lasting impression on Obear.

Saturday afternoon saw a bit of around the house action with Nick getting some more painting done. Ollie decided he wanted to help out when Nick was taping up, proudly declaring that it was his "job". Lots of things around here lately are his job. My favourite is when I asked him why he had to make so much mess with his toys and he said "it's my job". True that is.

The messy toys also saw us take a very late afternoon dash to our mecca Ikea to get a storage thing for Ollie's toys in the loungeroom. They seem to be taking over all of the space and I was feeling a little bit flush for cash given we had just had a great Ebay victory (try selling Ollie's outdoor playgym for $100 MORE than we paid for it 18 months ago - seriously!!). Cut to Saturday night and it was a very exciting one for Nick involving an Allen key and a few beers.

On Sunday we had Audrey and Henry come over (along with Sam & Al of course) so we could all go down to the park for a picnic. The kids had a great time tearing around the playground and the beach but I suspect Audrey and Ollie had the best time at the jumping castle and giant inflatable slide at the markets. On previous occasions Ollie had baulked at the idea of the jumping castle but it does seem that he is willing to give anything a go if it impresses his lady friends. He was a bit hesitant at first, standing at the entrance looking in for a few minutes, but he warmed up pretty quickly. Then we advanced to this giant tiger slide that required him to scale a pretty steep inflatable set of stairs (usually being assisted by the kids behind him who were all desperate to get up to the top) and then slide down an equally steep slide into a big cushiony thing down the bottom. I thought he might have been terrified but again, he confirms that he is a future daredevil and loved it.

On Monday Ollie and I went to my Dr's appointment to check on the baby. All is well, the visits themselves only take about five minutes - it takes longer to pay on the way out, and that bit is definitely the most painful. Ollie had Dr Alex in absolute stitches with his impression of the baby's heartbeat. It is a "wo wo wo wo" kind of sound that is absolutely bang on what it sounds like when they use the little handheld monitor thing. It even earned him not one but two jellybeans from Dr Alex which were extremely well received. He didn't know what they were so kept asking me but once he put one in his mouth he was a convert. Once onto the second one he kept taking the tiniest of bites because I suspect he didn't want the tasty sugar joy to end.

Perhaps it was all that sugar that gave him the energy for our playdate after the Dr with our friends Ruby & Liv at the State Library and GOMA for the Surrealism exhibition. There were lots of cool activities for them to check out but by far the most fun was just rolling around the floor like little silly buggers and cracking themselves up laughing. Cue our decision to take them outside to blow off some steam in the gardens. Lots more running and laughing and general hooliganism. Those poor Ibis just didn't stand a chance.


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