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Showing posts from November, 2011

Hot hot hot

"We live in Australia. Pa and Nanna Kaye live in America. Nanna Freddy and Poppy and the cows live in Cloncurry. Bananas and apples grow on trees. Potatoes and carrots grow in the ground. They have dirt on them. Bunnies like carrots. I like carrots. They help me to grow up big and strong like daddy. And bunnies". Such is the gorgeousness that streams out of Obears mouth these days. It keeps me very entertained. Another moment of loveliness? This afternoon when Evie and I went to pick him up he ran to the front gate and called out "gorgeous pantses" - I often call him "gorgeous pants". Too cute. We had a rainy day last week with no playdates booked in. I was determined that it not be a day of television so I pulled out all the stops, making lots of different games for us to play (I even spent Ollie & Evie's nap time cutting, sticking and drawing to make a set of dominoes). But the best activity of all was when we put all the couch cushi


How cute is this photo? Sweet little baby lettuce. That has become Evie's new nickname thanks to none other than her big brother. It seems that replacing words with funny or naughty words is a pretty big hit around here at the moment. Ollie gets a real kick out of singing to Evie "baa baa black sheep have you any poo". He cracks us all up. He has also been impressing us with his botanical knowledge. Nanna Carmel pointed out the jacaranda trees to him the other week and now he takes great pride in pointing them out to us all as we drive along. Turns out there are heaps around here and some car trips see him basically just repeating "jacaranda jacaranda jacaranda". I taught him poinciana the other day so that is starting to creep in too. Clever little duck. His other favourite top of conversation this week is his favourite colours. He keeps telling me "blue and green are my favourite colours". But this means that apparently pink and red are gi

Same blog different excuse

Yes I've been a bit tardy again. Moving right along... The weekend before last we went over to Sam & Alan's place to check out their lovely new swimming pool. The weather has been just perfect for swimming and since the pool was about the temperature of a nice bath, we got Evie Peevey in for her first swim too. I utterly adore this photo of Ollie & Audrey. So much so that I think I might frame it for Ollie to keep in his room. But after a big day and no sleep, Miss Audrey took herself off to bed early, leaving the two lovely little boys to have a bit of bro time. We bought ourselves some more time after dinner to play grown ups by packing the two little dudes off to watch a movie in Sam & Al's bed which conveniently opens onto the back deck. Not sure how much they actually watched though as it seems like they spent the whole time tickling each other and generally having a good time. Miss Evie has a whole raft of new tricks this fortnight. One is sucking h

And a few more...

Since you've all been a bit deprived of pics of late here are a few more to get you through the week. An especially nice one of Nanna Carmel and her two big boys, her two little boys and her little lady. Ollie and his Uncle Simon. They couldn't love each other more. Evie's cute ruffled bum. My friend next door gave Evie this stunning outfit that was made by a friend of hers (Wee Bonnie Creations - check them out). I just love her ruffley bum. Super gorgeous. Look at those eyes. That's all folks. Hope this got you through the blog drought.


Apologies again. Just TOO TOO busy around here. In addition to working overtime on Mini Mayhem (markets in less than two weeks and now a space in a new store opening up at Annerley!), I've also picked up 100 uni assignments to mark. So spare time is non-existent and blogs, like personal relationships and exercise, appear to be the victim. I did tee up a guest blogger in the form of Nick but he too has been busy. Perhaps he can knock something witty out next time. But just to give you all your fix of the gorgeous people, here is Halloween... Evie busted out the Olliebear costume. It was a tad big on her and the temperature wasn't really appropriate for full-body bear suits so it was for photos only. But you'll have to agree that she just looks adorable. Myself and the two little monsters. Ollie was a dragon. Although I heard numerous people suggest that he was a dinosaur and even a few that he was a crocodile. Nick was a vampire. A glasses wearing vampire. We tho