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Nearly a big girl!

Evie bear is nearly one!!!  I can't believe that in just four sleeps she will officially no longer be a baby and will be a big one year old.  It is absolutely crazy.

This morning in the car I asked Ol what he remembered about meeting his sister and this (to the best of my memory is what he told me:

"Two people did drive me in the car to the hospital. Daddy did take me for a walk around to see all the cool things. I was scared because I didn't want to see the big baby from your tummy.  I thought she was a monster".

I'm not sure if he really did think she was a monster but he seems to have a pretty good recall of it all, even if he relegated poor Nanna Carmel & Freddie to "two people".

As the beginning of her birthday celebration Pa & Nanna Kaye were the first ones to give her a lovely present.  Eve seemed pretty thrilled with it, even before she opened it.  That crinkly pink tissue paper would have been enough of a gift in itself! But even better than that was the lovely cute pink Ugg boots that were inside.  They are the softest sheepy things I have ever seen and I've caught myself wondering if I could squish a little bit of my foot into them on these cold mornings!  Luckily Evie's feet fit quite nicely.  Although she seems to be much more interested in trying to eat them than she is in wearing them.  For now.

Here she is making another attempt to get them into her mouth.

Ol has developed a rather nasty fascination with death since finding out that all living things die.  I appreciate that it is perfectly normal for him to need to ask these questions and have these answers but it catches you off guard when your sweet little three year old wakes up from his nap and the first thing he asks is "Mummy, why are we going to die soon?".  I keep explaining to him that it isn't going to be for a long, long LOOOOOONG time but sometimes I find myself close to tears when he keeps saying things like, "So you're going to die, Daddy is going to die, I'm going to die, Evie is going to die".  Hopefully this will be one of those quick phases.  At least yesterday his discussions were more focussed on other living things dying like trees and butterflies and grass and less about his poor loved ones.

Miss Eve seems to be pulling out new tricks every day of the week lately.  Obviously the standing thing is getting more impressive everyday.  But this week she FINALLY figured out how to crawl properly rather than that floor swimming commando style of hers.  She still reverts back to that when she wants to get somewhere really fast, like if Gus is within reach and she really wants to grab at her.  So far she hasn't managed to catch Gus yet, might have something to do with her crazy high pitched squeal that she emits when she sees her within her sights.

Another great trick of late is drinking through a straw.  Since Ol is the lucky recipient of the odd small milkshake here and there Evie has worked out that she can make the delicious drink come out through the straw.  She is pretty darn taken with it too and will grunt and screech at you until you give her some more.  I've even found myself having to order two on some occasions just to keep her happy.  But she is in for serious sadness soon when she realises that not every straw contains the delicious dairy delight.  The other day she was sorely disappointed when boring old water came out of my straw!

As Halloween is not far away we turned our minds to costumes the other day.  Both of the little guys tried on their outfits from last year and not surprisingly they were just a little snug on both of them.  So new costumes it is.  I think I might have successfully convinced Ol that a robot costume would be awesome - hopefully with some level of working light involved.  Eve can be a little more simple.  Maybe Little Red Riding Hood?  I'm pretty sure that with how strong willed she has already proven herself to be that this will be the last time I get total say over her choice of costume!

One of the loveliest things going on around here at the moment is the amount of play these guys are doing together now that Eve isn't so fragile.  They are totally getting into all kinds of shenanigans together and I can see that Ol is really looking forward to when she gets a bit bigger and can do exactly what he tells her to do.  This insight into the future may have come from his watching of "Charlie and Lola" which is a really sweet TV/book series where Charlie has a little sister Lola.  Ol often talks about how he is just like Charlie and looks after his little sister.  Who knows what kind of mischief they will get up to in future?

For now though one of their favourite games is the "ta" game where Ol passes something to Eve and she says "ta" then she passes it back to Ol and he says "ta".  Such a simple premise but one that can have them in absolute stitches.

We made the trek into the big library this week to catch up with some old friends (Miss Ruby & Liv) and to dance to our favourite nursery rhyme rockstar.  Ol had absolutely no interest in dancing though and quickly found himself swept up in a pack of other three/four year old boys who were all tearing around and wearing goggles on their heads (at least it kept Ol's hair off his face!).  But after the performance Ollie and Ruby were like two little groupies again, picking up all the cushions and putting them away for Tim.  Rachel and I were totally agog at their ability to tidy up without being asked - especially since Ol and I have a battle over picking up the toys every single evening.

Another battle Ol and I seem to be engaging in is dressing himself.  I haven't really pushed this issue much until recently as I've seen that he is more than capable of getting himself dressed at daycare but cries "I can't" at home.  So I've been getting a bit tough with it and the results are fabulous.  It is also great to see how excited he is when he sees that he can do something he previously thought he couldn't.  But the downside is how bloody long it takes him.  What with the hysterical crying tantrums and the failed attempts seeing back to front t-shirts and two legs in one trouser, it can take the best part of 40 minutes to get him clothed.  But I have to keep reminding myself that we need to push through this.  Unless of course I still want to be dressing him every morning when he is 20.

Ollie had to do a little bit of modelling for me the other day.  It certainly wasn't the most professional or productive photo shoot on either of our parts.  Ol wasn't really interested in helping out and took great delight in trying to get the shirts (not destined for his wardrobe) as messy as could be.  But he did have a great time showing off his big strong muscles!


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