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Showing posts from October, 2012


Things got a bit spooky around here with the local halloween festival on the weekend.  We had really been looking forward to it for quite a while but unfortunately it looked like it would be a fairly soggy event.  But as they say, the show must go on. We had Pa and Nanna Kaye staying here at the time so they got to witness the cuteness that was not only our two little spooksters but a bunch of Ollie's friends who also joined us. Ol, at his request, was a robot.  We may have been calling him a "gay robot" (think c3po) behind his back thanks to the particularly  shiny stretchy material I made his costume out of along with the presence of glow sticks.  But he certainly didn't seem to mind and all the time spent cursing the annoying material while at the sewing machine was completely worth it. Little Miss Eve's costume on the other hand took about an hour to make and cost around about $3.50 for a little bit of white material. The rest I had lying around inclu

Happy little campers!

We went camping.  Five couples, five toddlers and four babies.  What the heck were we thinking? Well truth be told it wasn't really camping.  More like glamping.  We stayed in four safari tents and one tent site all in a little cul de sac.  There was a big communal area with a fire pit just close to our tent where everyone gathered.  The kids wandered around as if they owned the place but thankfully managed to avoid getting lost, burned, etc. Occasionally the children all stayed still.  Occasionally. Check out Evie Peevey's cool boots.  Ol's country cousins gave these to him when he was little but because he had such big feet he grew out of them before he walked so they never really got used for anything other than to look cute.  Thankfully Eve gave them a right proper wearing over the weekend and just looked super gorgeous wearing boots and leggings the whole time. We also busted out our baby backpack that we took Ol to Indonesia in.  I must admit th

We've got a walker here!

We are going camping this weekend.  And I was really hoping that Eve might hold off learning to walk until we got past that.  So naturally of course she learnt to walk this week!!! She is a little unsteady on her feet and not overly confident but as you can see from the video she is pretty good at avoiding obstacles, like her camera shy brother Ollie! We've had an action packed week around here with a visit from Grandpa Peter (where Ollie got to be his electrician's apprentice - which he thought was AWESOME!), cousin Alexander's first birthday party (on the hottest day ever, poor Eve got a bit of heatstroke on the way home - not fun) and a super awesome playdate at the local waterpark. Since the camera is upstairs and I am downstairs this week's blog is brought to you by my instagram feed photos!!!  Enjoy. Ol's drawing skills have been coming along really well.  This first series is of a chicken, it's egg, the egg cracking and the baby chi

Where's Ollie?

Alright, big news first.  And it is VERY big news.  We have steps!!!!  I say steps rather than walking because she still isn't really walking anywhere.  Well unless she has her pram, and then she is running everywhere.  But unaided she has now officially taken four whole steps.  She took one step Saturday and we were pretty chuffed with that.  But by Sunday afternoon she was able to take four in a row.  And who was home to witness it?  Just me.  The boys had gone to the movies to see Madagascar 3 (which was an awesome time for both of them).  But thankfully Eve was willing to repeat her new party trick when they came home.  She then promptly forgot it and hasn't repeated it since!! This pic of Miss Eve looking all girly reminded me of a photo of Ol at a similar age.  So I dug it out and here it is.  Looking at them side by side it doesn't really look that much alike but still, there is something.  And true to life Ollie has a big cheesy grin on his face while Eve is