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All grown up

Last week marked the beginning of Ol's kindy journey.  

We have been looking forward to this for so long.  I remember when he was but a few months old putting his name down for kindy at thinking that 2013 sounded so terribly far away.  But here we are.  And Ol couldn't have been happier.

He had his new kindy hat, his kindy sheets and a new spiderman lunchbox and he was all ready to roll.

But just to make this transition even a little more stressful, I decided that the exact same day would be the one that Eve started at daycare.  Madness I know! But we have found a lovely family daycare mum on the street behind us who happens to look after some friend's kids (one of whom is a little girl about the same age) and she had a spot on one of Ol's days at kindy.  Perfect.  A proper work day for me and a good chance for Evie Peevey to spend some time away from me.

Thankfully it all went quite beautifully.  Ol seemed a little apprehensive when we walked in, declaring "you're not allowed to go home until I say so okay Mummy".  But once he walked in and saw all the other kids and the new toys, I was quickly forgotten.  He barely even glanced up when I told him I was leaving and I had to make him come and give me a goodbye kiss.

Eve was also very good when I dropped her off.  She wasn't the slightest bit concerned when I left and hardly even batted and eye when I went to pick her up before he nap at lunch.

Both have so much fun that they come home absolutely shattered and fall asleep as soon as their head's hit the pillows.

So far so good.  Probably the most stressful bit is packing two lunch boxes!!

But yesterday on the way home I did have a little moment of being sad when Ol was telling me that he "accidentally" knocked over another boy's building and the boy told him that he didn't want to be his friend anymore.  Ol said that the boy "hurt my heart" when he said that.  Sob.  Mind you, Ol did knock the poor kid's building over!!!


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