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Showing posts from July, 2013

Happy second birthday Eve

Two years.  Where did that go?  Only milliseconds ago I was coming to grips with you turning one and now you are two.  You are so officially not a little baby anymore.  But as you turn into a little girl before my very eyes, here are some of the things I love about you right now. - you still love your Wooby.  So much so that we had to pick up a spare.  Nooby.  I'm a bit concerned by your Wooby devotion.  I'm pretty sure that there is a Wooby intervention in our future at some point. - I love it when you say "mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy" and I reply "EB EB EB EB". - you have only just turned two but you know the important words like 'lego' and 'ipad'. - you have the best 'sad face' I have ever seen. - I just melt when you put your little head on my shoulder when you cuddle me. - you are so cheeky, you stand at the door to the pantry and point to the top shelf where we keep the good things like lollies, bikkies and vitamin

Sibling rivalry and the daily grind

These two are TOUGH right now.  Really tough.  Thankfully we have two sets of parents on board every day as we really need it.   They are also awesome and lovely and hilarious.  And luckily that outweighs the rough times.  But there are some days; like yesterday when we were at Ikea and Eve was chucking hysterical tantrums about not being able to carry a container of beads that was too heavy and she kept dropping it, and Ollie was being Ollie and talking REALLY loudly and million words a second and just NOT. SHUTTING. UP.  Like ever. Those times are tough. What were we doing at Ikea?  Well since Miss Eve is turning two this month we thought it was a good time to move her out of her cot and into a big girl bed.  Actually I wasn't planning on moving her out of the cot for another year, but I picked up some gorgeous wall prints the other day and there was no wall space with the cot there so I was prepared to sacrifice my stance for some pretty interior decoration! Las