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Showing posts from January, 2014

Ollie's 5th birthday - Cops and Robbers

When we were kids we had this great book called "Cops and Robbers".  So when Ollie declared a few months ago that he wanted a police party, this was my party inspiration.  In typical party fashion I went completely over the top with the effort (thankfully not the $$).  But it is always worth it when they see the house decorated and check out the birthday cake.  The goody bags (made from some calico I had sitting around the house and a bit of permanent pen). The cake!!! This is always my favourite bit and is probably more for me than the kids.  But I just get such a kick out of seeing Ol and my cake plan come to life.  He really had some creative input this  year and sat down with me and drew it.  He wanted a jail inside the wall too which would have been pretty cool, but you've got to draw the line somewhere.  Thankfully he was so impressed with this creation that the missing jail never came up.  You can't have a cops party without do

Half a decade. How did that happen??

Five years old.  How did that possibly happen?? I remember clearly the moment they handed me this beautiful tiny perfect little creature (with giant feet).  It was then that my entire world changed.  Everything I did before that second meant practically nothing now that I had this completely dependent little guy in my world. And in usual fashion I want to share with you some of things that are rocking my world about this little fellow this year. - you shout "dinnertime" when Peppa Pig comes on TV at 5.10. - you can't wait to be married.  You often talk about your future wife and your 'boy' and how I will be his nanna. - you can porpoise dive to the bottom of our deep pool at home but you still get scared of the pool you can stand up in at swimming lessons. - you will NEVER need amplification.  Microphones are redundant around you. - you are turning into quite the little artist and you are so prolific that I can hardly keep up with all of your w