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Showing posts from July, 2015

Happy Birthday Eve - the four birthday blog

Our baby is four.  How can this be? On the plus side though, she is no longer a threenager.  This past twelve months have been more than a little challenging.  I had fooled myself that epic battles of wills over hairstyles, skirt choices and high heels would not trouble me for a good decade.  How wrong I was. But amongst the crazy fashion feuds of the past year there have been oh so many wonderful times with this sweet, funny little girl.  Here are just some of the things we have enjoyed/endured with her as a three year old. - she is scared of storms, bees and the bell that the home ice cream man rings (no seriously, she is terrified of the home ice cream man. Absolutely petrified!) - when she holds my hand she lovingly strokes her thumb inside my palm. It's just the loveliest. - she shrugs her little shoulders, tilts her head to one side and squishes her sweet little face into a closed eye smile that melts my heart. - she has wacky ways of pronouncing some words.

Nearly four!

Our little terror of a threenager is going to be four in less than two weeks.  So it is party planning central around here. We are having a Princesses, Knights and Dragons party so Eve and I had a little photoshoot (and then a bit of a photoshop session) to make it look like she was having a playdate with a dragon pal. I think she just looks super gorgeous.  What do you think?

Winter? Really??

We are lucky enough to live on the bay.   I totally didn't appreciate what a magic part of the city this is before we moved here. Now we are here we just want to embrace having all this wonder right on our doorstep. Thankfully we have a great group of friends who just happen to have boats.  And beach houses! So the other week, in the middle of a Brisbane winter, we headed off to the gorgeous Moreton Island for the weekend.   The trip over was probably at the rough end of the scale and I may possibly have had a look of sheer terror on my face until we had passed through the bar.  After that I loosened my white knuckled grip on the children just the tiniest bit and enjoyed the rest of the ride.   With that behind us there was nothing else to do but let the littlies potter around, eat, drink and generally be merry. The next day our motley crew swelled in numbers as more friends from this neck of the woods boated over.  The kids swam and played around on j