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Happy Birthday Eve - the four birthday blog

Our baby is four.  How can this be?

On the plus side though, she is no longer a threenager.  This past twelve months have been more than a little challenging.  I had fooled myself that epic battles of wills over hairstyles, skirt choices and high heels would not trouble me for a good decade.  How wrong I was.

But amongst the crazy fashion feuds of the past year there have been oh so many wonderful times with this sweet, funny little girl.  Here are just some of the things we have enjoyed/endured with her as a three year old.

- she is scared of storms, bees and the bell that the home ice cream man rings (no seriously, she is terrified of the home ice cream man. Absolutely petrified!)
- when she holds my hand she lovingly strokes her thumb inside my palm. It's just the loveliest.
- she shrugs her little shoulders, tilts her head to one side and squishes her sweet little face into a closed eye smile that melts my heart.
- she has wacky ways of pronouncing some words.  She says "tivee" when she means TV and esketti for spaghetti.
- at every meal she asks "how many more bites do I need to have". She literally will have one mouthful before she asks this.
- she loves to read books like the teacher, holding the book up so we can see the pictures.  She gives some pretty hilarious versions of stories to us.
- she talks about going to a wedding EVERY day.  We have had many arguments over sleepwear choices - e.g.  why do you want to wear that skirt? Because I have to go to the wedding in the morning.
- she LOVES lego.  Especially loves playing with Lucy the blonde minifig.
- she is more obsessed with her clothes than anyone I have ever met.  She flat out will not wear shorts.  Or pants.  She will chuck epic tantrums that rock the entire neighbourhood if you try to get her to wear them.
- she hates having her hair brushed. I'm pretty convinced that she would happily have a head of dreadlocks if it meant no hair brushing.
- Her favourite foods are strawberries.  And sugar. Her words, not mine.
- she loves to have baths in the daytime and refuses to get out, even when all the water has gone down the plug hole. I think she might be half mermaid.
- The little weirdo eats play dough. Every single time.  She likes to hide it everywhere too.
- She is always making strange potions using cups and water and hand soap and whatever else she comes across.
- she stuffs strange things everywhere.  I recently found a kinder surprise egg filled with water with a marble inside it in my handbag.  Luckily those things are really waterproof!
- she will throw herself on the ground and refuse to move if she doesn't get her way.  I can't count the amount of places I have carried her kicking and screaming out of. On the plus side, it is a really good bicep workout.
- she looks as sweet as pie but has a crazy edge.  She will happily float around in a fluffy skirt saying "i'm a ninja and I'm going to kill you".
- first thing each morning she can be found standing on a chair (that she has dragged in) in front of her wardrobe yanking clothes off hangers to get dressed for the day.
- she loves to snuggle with me. At night in her bed. In the morning in her bed. Anytime in my bed. On the couch.  Anywhere.  She is very snuggly. She is the loveliest little spoon.
- she just loves to smell our breath. Even first thing in the morning skanky breath. She loves to get really close and inhale it. Weirdo.
- she has the most gorgeous freckle face.  I am always being told that they look like they have been painted on because they are just so perfectly delicious.

She is turning out to be a really cool little person.  She is kind and gentle and usually happy to share anything with anyone.  Except Ollie.  Her love of rainbows and bubbles and horses and dolls is perfectly balanced with her exceptional ninja skills, love of lego and crazy determination.  I can't help  but feel proud of the girl she is turning into.


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