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Showing posts from January, 2016

Ol is sailing, Ol is sailing...

Ollie's birthday present from us was sailing lessons - a present he didn't know he even wanted but I'm pretty sure he is thrilled to bits with. One of his best mates also got this for his present so the two of them have spent the morning at Royal Queensland (aka one of favourite watering holes) learning the basics of how to to sail. They seemed to be having an absolute blast, especially when they got to capsize the boat a number of times!  The grown ups watched with coffees while the little ones played in the playground and on the beach. The original plan is for the mums to paddle board while we wait but as today was a bit windy, we found it too easy to make an excuse to stay on land. Next week maybe.  I think there will be plenty of sailing in our little guy's future. 

Light sabre battle

Toasting the end of the first looooong week back at work while an epic light sabre battle takes place nearby.

Ollie is 7: the birthday blog!

Seven? 7? SEVEN??? How have we possibly had you for seven years??   As our tradition goes, I just want to share with you some of the things that I will always remember about this year for you: - Your love of books has hit a new level this year.  If I had to think of one thing that summed the year up for you it would be reading.  Your head is constantly in a book.  You have gone from reading picture books to smashing novels in less than a day.  You often have four books on the go at any moment.  One in the bedroom, one in the lounge, one on the back deck and even one near the toilet!!  You are just like your father and can flit between books and reread them over and over again.   - You absolutely love school and are a bit of a brown nose.  You save your best behaviour for school hours but to be honest, I am thrilled with this.  You actually hugged your teacher every single day when school finished.  I hope you have another great school year in grade two.  - You defi