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Ollie is 7: the birthday blog!

Seven? 7? SEVEN??? How have we possibly had you for seven years??  

As our tradition goes, I just want to share with you some of the things that I will always remember about this year for you:

- Your love of books has hit a new level this year.  If I had to think of one thing that summed the year up for you it would be reading.  Your head is constantly in a book.  You have gone from reading picture books to smashing novels in less than a day.  You often have four books on the go at any moment.  One in the bedroom, one in the lounge, one on the back deck and even one near the toilet!!  You are just like your father and can flit between books and reread them over and over again.  

- You absolutely love school and are a bit of a brown nose.  You save your best behaviour for school hours but to be honest, I am thrilled with this.  You actually hugged your teacher every single day when school finished.  I hope you have another great school year in grade two. 

- You definitely still want to be an inventor.  You were devastated this year when you heard on the news that someone else had invented one of your inventions.  You even showed your sketch to me in your book of inventions that you are working on.

- You lost your first tooth, exactly six years after your first baby tooth made an appearance when you were ten months old.  Thank goodness.  A lot of your other friends had lost a few before you and you were getting impatient with us regularly having wiggle checks to see how they were going.  

- You love your sister an insane amount.  But your constant squabbling has driven me totally bonkers this year.  Despite punching, kicking and biting each other any time my back is turned, you are still ridiculously co-dependent and are often found squished together on the couch or asleep together. 

- You became the proud owner of a pretty awesome set of swings at our new house which has become your happy place.  I just adore watching you swing higher than the house with your eyes completely closed.  Sometimes in a Superman costume.  Sometimes totally nudey. But always with a beautifully contented look on your face.  

- We finally ditched the training wheels!!  It took us a while (we didn't have a yard, we are terribly lazy parents, whatever) but you have recently figured out how to cruise on two wheels.  We had a few meltdowns on the way (mainly Daddy's!!) but in the end it all just clicked for you and we couldn't believe how amazingly easy you now make it look.  

- As geeky children of the 80s, your father and I are over the moon that you have fallen in love with Star Wars.  Yoda, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are names now commonly heard in our house, Light Sabre fights are often used to settle disagreements and the theme to the movies is constantly being hummed.  The day you told me you wanted a Star Wars party was one of the greatest.  Until the next day when you changed your mind.  But I talked you back into it and pushed on with the planning!

- We've battled with allergies this year.  It has been a draining and expensive path but we are moving forward and it is finally getting better for you.  You have to take medicine each morning which you need to hold in your mouth for two minutes, yet every single morning without fail you ask me if you can swallow it as soon as I've put it in your mouth.

- Lego.  Seriously, LEGO.  We have been buying you lego since you were tiny and you have always enjoyed it.  But at some point this year your lego switch was flicked in a massive way.  You build amazing lego scenes with the craziest and most amazing stuff going on.  That imagination of yours is a pretty amazing thing.  

- Salmon sashimi is still your greatest food love.  It is always the first thing you ask for when food is mentioned.  But you have diversified this year and you are extremely happy to partake in dumplings and noodles if they are on offer.  In your words, you love "all Chinese food".  We might need to work on geography a little this year. 

- You have demonstrated that you are now a big boy with big boy pursuits like boogie boarding, swimming butterfly, playing minecraft (Seriously, what is a spawn? What do the dogs do? What am I missing??) and going on ALL the big boy slides at the Waterbom.  

But despite every one of these things you are still and always will be my little baby.  I snuggled up to you the other night in bed and found my cheek on your cheek, happily breathing in your delicious breath.  You still somehow magically smell as sweet as that tiny baby boy used to smell seven years ago.  In that moment I knew that it doesn't matter how big you grow, how giant your feet are and how incredibly super smart you get, you will always in my heart be that tiny little baby who changed my entire world.

Thank you for being my first.  Thank you for being my boy.  Thank you for not being too cool to snuggle up with me, to give me sweet little kisses and to tell me often that "I love you mama".  

I love you my sweet little Oliver.

Happy 7th birthday.  I hope this year is a great one for you.


* this is the first birthday blog that my darling Oliver will read.  For the past years I have written these special birthday blogs from the absolute heart, knowing that one day he will read them.  But to know that he is about to unlock these special messages of love makes my heart burst with absolute pure joy.  


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