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Showing posts from July, 2016

Eve is 5! The birthday blog.

We have had you now for five years.  That's half a decade. Half the time your Daddy and I have been married. No wonder we couldn't imagine a life without you in it. You've gotten so big and grown so very much in this past 12 months.  So let me share with you some of the things that I love the very most about who you are at this moment: - Your full name is Evie Alice Snuggle Buggle Dower.  You are quite possibly the cuddliest person I have ever met in my life.  Your sweet little on the lips kisses are just beyond. - You have approximately 57.5 gorgeous freckles on your nose. Everyone tells me that they looks like I've painted them on.  - You call ping pong Bing Bong - You absolutely love to have a good dance with wild shaking hips and lip syncing.  Lately the words to songs have really started to kick in and you even seem to know the words to "Advance Australia Fair" from parade. - Your favourite songs on Spotify are Barbie Girl and Rockin'

Eve is nearly five - how did that happen?

In just four more sleeps our tiny Eve will be five years old. I just want to bottle up her gorgeous four year old self so I made a quick film to remember her at this age. You can also have a sneak peek at her riding without training wheels for the first time.  Look at her go!!

Quick...time to catch up!

Quick, I've got five minutes to get you all up to speed on what has been going on around here lately. In big news, we've got a brand spanking new library in our little patch of the world. This is super exciting for a bunch of book lovers like we are. It's bright and big and there are heaps of great spots to curl up with a book or a magazine too. I think we went there three times in the first four days it was open! We've also had a bit of island time, despite the cooler weather. The kids might not have been able to swim in the chilly water but they sure had a good time fishing and stomping around on the beach discovering all kinds of treasures.  A trip to the dentist might not seem too exciting to us but these two were counting down the days until their appointments. Eve was especially pumped to wear the glasses and ride up and down in the chair. Ol was more interested in watching the television in the ceiling.  In