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Eve is 5! The birthday blog.

We have had you now for five years.  That's half a decade. Half the time your Daddy and I have been married. No wonder we couldn't imagine a life without you in it.

You've gotten so big and grown so very much in this past 12 months.  So let me share with you some of the things that I love the very most about who you are at this moment:
- Your full name is Evie Alice Snuggle Buggle Dower.  You are quite possibly the cuddliest person I have ever met in my life.  Your sweet little on the lips kisses are just beyond.
- You have approximately 57.5 gorgeous freckles on your nose. Everyone tells me that they looks like I've painted them on. 
- You call ping pong Bing Bong
- You absolutely love to have a good dance with wild shaking hips and lip syncing.  Lately the words to songs have really started to kick in and you even seem to know the words to "Advance Australia Fair" from parade.
- Your favourite songs on Spotify are Barbie Girl and Rockin' Robin.  You'll mix it up with a bit of Uptown Funk but you don't really want to hear new songs right now.  
- You can do big girl arms at swimming now and you have a super strong kick.  
- You can even go on the waterslide at the local pool all by yourself now.
- For some reason you say "eeny meeny miney mo catch a tigger piny po".
- You look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth but you are not adverse to dropping a good punch or a kick against your brother.
- You love Star Wars!! You walk around the house singing the theme song and tell everyone that Darth Vader is your favourite.
- You are scared of thunder and lightning and you ask most nights at bedtime if a storm is coming and if I'm lying or fibbing about it when I say no.
- You love to pretend you are a sloth by moving in suuuuuuuper doooooooper slow motion. Especially when we are rushing to get somewhere.
- You've adopted many of your brother's sayings including covering your eyes and saying "do I have to watch this" when mushy stuff comes on the telly.
- You have really figured out letters and numbers lately and you love to write out words, especially Eve and Oliver.
- Your drawings are delightful, with rainbow hair, bouncy eyelashes and lots of love hearts - except for the occasional one that looks like a creepy zombie instead of Nanna. 
- You still love to have a bath with me on the weekends and to let me wash your hair like a mermaid.
- Learning French at daycare has been a joy for you and hearing your fantastic pronunciation where you roll your r's just hits me right in the feels.
- You have learned to ride your bike without training wheels and you were so dang good at it straight away.
- You will not make your bed in the morning. You also drop your stuff absolutely everywhere. You crapdust the whole house with it.  The only person I have ever met who is as rubbish at cleaning up is me.
- You definitely rule the house with your epic tantrums. Usually related to outfit choices that aren't up to scratch.
- You are that kid that delights random strangers with your quirky clothes and behaviour. One lady stopped me to say that you looked like you just emerged from a flower.
- You love to share a bed with me and on the odd occasions when it does happen you love to fall asleep holding me tightly. I secretly think you love me just that teeny bit more than everyone else.

Snuggle Buggle, you have been my special little helper this year, coming along with me on many errands where we manage to have a whole lot of fun too. We hang out and potter around, we draw pictures, we watch super girly movies and we eat a LOT of two minute noodles. But in six months time you will put that preppie uniform on and skip into the schoolyard (like you do everyday when we pick Ollie up). You will make new friends and learn many exciting things. And I will be without my special little helper again.

I'm so very excited for you and I know you will rock it as a school kid. But I have to admit that it is going to absolutely break my heart into a million pieces to let you go. My big five girl, I love you a ridiculously insane amount and I always will. Xxxxx


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