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Ollie is eight: the birthday blog

Wasn't it just days ago that I was writing the seven birthday blog? How are these years flying by so quickly?  This year seems especially quick.  Everything feels rushed, like if I close my eyes I'll be writing a nine birthday blog.  And I'm certainly not ready for that. 

So before another year passes, let me tell you some of the things that I will remember about my beautiful boy from this year:

- he has become obsessed with Harry Potter.  He is just about to start the sixth book but he is constantly going back and revisiting the earlier books.  He dressed as HP for Halloween this year (like he was ever going to be anyone else) and is constantly jabbering away about all the characters and how it is so unfair that he is a muggle.  I have said that I need to read the books too so I can figure out what he is going on about.  

- We have kicked the butt of allergies even more this year, moving from taking medicine everyday to having a needle every couple of weeks.  He is so brave about and happily skips in to each of his appointments.  This is possibly more to do with the doctor having an Xbox.

- he loves to talk in an American accent (which sometimes slips to English, Irish and even a little bit of pirate).  

- he and his sister have started Nippers this year.  This has seen Ol's confidence in the water skyrocket.  He has gotten really good at watching the sets of waves roll in to work out which one will be the best to propel his nipper board or boogie board back to shore.  It is almost impossible to get him out of the surf. 

- he has some pretty solid mates at school.  Some he has known since he was two, some since starting prep and even one he just met a month ago.  Some he plays rough games with, some he talks about Harry Potter with and some are even girls.  I think he is actually a pretty good friend to have.

- beyond Harry Potter, his love of books in general is huge.  He seriously will have a novel in every room of the house.  He loves nothing more than disappearing to his "office" (the toilet!!) to hide from the world with a book, or even two. 

- he continues to be a bit of a teacher's pet.  His behaviour in class is a lot better than his behaviour at home!

- he loves to sing!! He has really loved getting involved in the grade two choir, and loves to walk around the house practicing the words and the hand signals they use.  I got such a giggle out of watching one of the performances where he was on the very end and kept getting nearly pushed off by his friend next to him.  But the show went on and he didn't miss a beat.

- he got a crush on a girl.  I was lucky enough to be the one he confided in.  We had many secret cuddly chats about his feelings and I hope that he will continue to trust me with this type of information (well maybe not once he finds out that I've written it all over the internet!).

- he got his mouth washed out with soap for saying the F word.  More importantly, it was for trying to trick his sister into saying it.  I don't think he'll be rushing to practice his new language skills anytime soon.

- he can roll his belly in this really awesome trick that no one else in the family can master.

- all the movies! I swear that he has seen more movies than I have (well at least he manages to stay awake).  He has now seen all of the Star Wars movies (except the most recent one) and talks knowingly about them.  I'm pretty thrilled about this.

- he has gotten more adventurous in his food choices.  While salmon sashimi remains his first love, he has learned to appreciate a good steak and even quite likes escargot these days!

- he tried ice-skating and rock climbing on our recent cruise.  He actually did a really good job of trying them both but he got disheartened that he wasn't instantly brilliant at them.

- he learned the love of a good tree house, choosing to spend quiet time up on a plank among the branches.  Often with a good book.

- he has learned to skateboard after receiving a super cool board from Santa.  So far all bones remain unbroken.

- he desperately wants a dog.  Or a guinea pig.  Unfortunately for him, he won't be getting either one anytime soon.

- he still jumps out of bed the very second he wakes up.  We make him stay in bed until 6am but it is a very unusual day that sees him still there by 6.01.  It is bloody exhausting and we are hoping that eight will be when he gets all lazy and wants to sleep in.

- dancing!!! All the time.  Anytime there is a beat you will catch his little bum wiggling.  He has mastered some new moves to add to his repertoire including dusting the shoulders and the running man.  He got to bust these out at his disco birthday party.

- science is still his first love.  He still wants to make and invent and create and is always asking if he can have (crucial and very much needed) parts from around the house.  

- he loves his sister but he also loves to annoy the crap out of her.  He'll take her toys or hurt her and you think there is no hope for them but then you see him cheering her on or ever so carefully helping her to learn a new skill.  Then I realise they are just normal annoying siblings who drive each other around the bend.

Ollie, thank you for still not being too cool to kiss me goodbye at school.  For holding my hand as we walk places and for sitting on Santa's lap and telling him what you wanted for Christmas. You do all these big boy things now (including reading books bigger than many adults), but underneath it all you are still my beautiful little boy.  You tell me about when you have your own family and I'll be the grandma and you'll take care of me.  You pretend you don't want to snuggle me but you always do.  You still call me mumma in your little baby voice and let me hold you like you are a tiny baby, except you've got these giant long boy limbs that get in the way.  Make sure you always let me hold you like that, even when it gets ridiculous.  Make sure you always know I love you and that you will always be my little boy, my first, my Olliebear.

It's going to be a good year for you.  



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