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Showing posts from July, 2017

Eve is six: the birthday blog

Six.  SIX?!? How can you be six?   You started school this year. I've never seen a kid so super confident walking through those school gates. You hardly gave me a backwards glance as you settled into your new class, making new friends and learning new tricks.  You really have just rocked it.  I've missed having you around with me as my little buddy, coming with me on errands and entertaining me with your crazy antics.  The house feels empty without you in it.  You've made all the connections with reading and writing.  It's all coming together and it's so exciting to watch.  You can pick up books from your shelf and I can see the absolute delight when you can read the words from the page.  You sit at the table and write out words, asking me to spell them to you.  Sometimes you even write me notes, telling me you are sorry for something you have done, or telling me I am the meanest mummy in the world because you didn't get your way. You only