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Eve is six: the birthday blog

Six.  SIX?!? How can you be six?  

You started school this year. I've never seen a kid so super confident walking through those school gates. You hardly gave me a backwards glance as you settled into your new class, making new friends and learning new tricks.  You really have just rocked it. 

I've missed having you around with me as my little buddy, coming with me on errands and entertaining me with your crazy antics.  The house feels empty without you in it. 

You've made all the connections with reading and writing.  It's all coming together and it's so exciting to watch.  You can pick up books from your shelf and I can see the absolute delight when you can read the words from the page.  You sit at the table and write out words, asking me to spell them to you.  Sometimes you even write me notes, telling me you are sorry for something you have done, or telling me I am the meanest mummy in the world because you didn't get your way.

You only got 18/33 of the words in your first round of sight word testing at school and I felt like the worst mum in the world.  I sat in the car after drop off and cried to your daddy on the phone that I hadn't helped you enough.  But before I knew it you were one of the kids getting 100% every week.  I never should have doubted you. 

You went on your first roller coaster this year.  I knew you would absolutely love it and you did.  You are fearless like that.  

The word of your year should be music.  Since you got a set of speakers for your bedroom you haven't stopped dancing in front of your mirror, putting together little routines.  You navigate Spotify like a boss, finding songs you can't even spell.  But if you are after a specific song you will get one of us to write the name of it on a piece of paper and then you will put it on your desk so you can type it into the iPad.

Your hair has grown so much.  From a short bob a year ago, it grew long enough for piggy tails before you started school.  Despite you crying like someone is throwing acid on you when I brush it, I absolutely adore sending you off to school with with two plaits sticking out of your head and sweet little school ribbons. 

Your favourite food is liquorice.  But you are pretty partial to almost all of the other foods.  You are a bit of a greedy guts.

You have three boyfriends apparently.  One at school, one from kindy and one who is a family friend's little boy.  You are only planning to marry one of them.  

You still know how to throw a pretty epic tantrum.  I was hoping you would grow out of this but not this year.  You especially like to save them for when we go to buy birthday presents for your friends.  Then I usually have to carry you out of the store under my arm screaming.  

You still love your clothes.  Mainly the frilly frou frou stuff but you do have a knack for finding the rattiest item of clothing in your wardrobe and insisting on wearing that.  I'm talking about the stuff with holes in it that isn't quite long enough anymore 

You are super strong and you love to show everyone by picking up all of your friends at school.

Your favourite music to fall asleep to is Bonobo.  You and Ollie argue over which album to listen to but Emkay and Kong are probably your faves. 

You say mean things.  Not all the time, usually when you are tired or hangry.  But you will say things to try to break my heart into a million little pieces.  And when it passes you are so desperately sad that you sob and hug me and try to make it all better. 

You are kind.  So very kind.  Possibly the kindest person I have ever met.  You want to be a doctor when you grow up so you can help people and I would believe it.  If I have a sore foot you will put a pillow under it.  You will rub my back or tell me to sit down and rest.  Even at school you are always rushing to help people or to make them feel better if they are sad. 

I'm sad that you are no longer five.  That you have this whole life at school without me in it.  But I am so incredibly proud that you do and you are turning into such a wonderful little human. 

We just tucked you in and in your sleepy state I told you I loved you and that I would see you when you were six.  You got the biggest, cheesiest smile on your face.  Six is going to be simply awesome and you know it!  But don't ever forget that you are my little snuggle buggle baby and you always will be.  Even when you are 36, I will still hug you close to me and breathe you in.   

I love you a ridiculous amount. xxxxx


  1. Eve's "little ray of sunshine" birthday party So much awesomeness. The entire party was thoughtful. All of the details that have been at that are really heart touching. My cousin also hosted 5th birthday party of a Daughter at a garden LA venue and it was also extremely inspirational.


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